This Easter weekend, we will begin the celebration of Jesus with a Communion worship service starting at 10:30am on Good Friday. We will have a great time of singing which will include the choir, congregational worship and individual songs. Bible reading is always a part of our worship experience and we will be looking at "Fearless living facing Death"! Jesus will be celebrated and lifted up through our celebration.....and I mean....celebration, of Communion. We look back on the death of Jesus but we don't act as if that was the end of it. Communion was to be celebrated as an act of remembering what Jesus accomplished and what he now hold a communion service that is as solemn as a funeral would be disrespectful to what has transpired since his death and resurrection. The lives that he has rescued....the marriages saved....the healing provided.....are all reason to celebrate.
Easter Morning will be a connecting event as we eat breakfast together at 8:45am and then join together in the Sanctuary for our Worship Celebration at 10:30am. We'll enjoy the choir again and a young women's group plus inspirational worship in singing. The focus will be on "Unshakable Faith" that we all can have based on what Jesus accomplished on the cross and rising from the grave.
There is hope for all of come this weekend and celebrate Easter with us.
Pastor Brian