Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Earl Cook....Thank You!

There are times in life when God allows a person to intersect your life and leave an impression. This was the case with Earl Cook. As you likely know by now, Earl passed away on Sunday morning, September 18th. Know in many circles, he was know in our circle as a strong supporter of Camp Nutimik and a friend to many in our congregation.
I strongly urge you to read the article that is attached to this link and watch the videos. Earl made a difference in the lives of the Detroit Red Wings....in the lives of doctors and nurses, in many friends.......... just because he was Earl.
May his life be an encouragement to you today as you watch his story and give thanks to God for one young man who took what was given and made the most with it. At 23 years of age some would say, it was far too soon....but I believe that God has the days numbered for each of us and for Earl, God said, "that is enough.....it's time!"
May we find the same determination to live our lives with all our challenges with the same degree of courage that Earl displayed.
Pastor Brian
(Fitting that the team he cheered for has Wings in their name and on their jersey! May God give him his own wings.)

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