Saturday, September 25, 2010

Happy are the Sad!

Matthew chapter 5 verse 4 tells us that if we mourn, we will be blessed! Really? What was Jesus talking about when he sat and spoke with his disciples? He was describing a life that is lived out as the Holy Spirit transforms them from the inside out. They are not commands or required standards as if to gain God's approval, but they are like guidelines for the kind of life God desire within those who claim him as their God. Now back to the "Happy are the Sad!"
The poor in Spirit are those who realize that they desperately need God's help. The don't have the resources to make it on their own. Physical poverty is not a good thing but poverty of spirit can lead a person to seek God. When we're at the end of our rope we're more open to God. In contrast, when we are "rich" and in lack of nothing, we can be come overly content and satisfied with our own progress.Those who mourn understand that there are many things in life that can break our heart and cause us to grieve. Yet, in the kingdom, Jesus promises us comfort and joy, even in the middle of difficult circumstances. We do not mourn like those with no hope. The spiritual, emotional, or financial loss resulting from sin should lead to mourning and a longing for God's forgiveness and healing.
As you seek to live your life today, consider what it is that you are in mourning for? Is it something that is keeping you from a closer relationship with God..or is it something that is driving you to seek Him? Determine what it is and make a wise choice! Make Jesus happy with your desire to be blessed by Him.
This is Saturday evening and I know if you are reading this....God is nudging you to attend a place tomorrow where people worship Him. Whether it's McDermot or not....choose a place and use your life's challenges to motivate you to praise Him.
Pastor Brian

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