Friday, July 08, 2011

Centered on Jesus!

Acts 4:12 reads....And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."
It seems straightforward enough....Jesus is at the centre of salvation and life. We are looking at the book of Acts this summer at McDermot and specifically at the following four aspects found in this book. 1) Christ Centered 2) Prayer Focused 3) Spirit Empowered 4) People Embodied. It all begins with Christ and his centrality in our faith and life. If Jesus is at the centre of our lives, then we are able to live out our lives from that position of surrender and submission to Him.
I have found myself thinking more and more about how I live this truth out in my life. I came to understand a long time ago that my central self is filled with to live with Jesus at the centre means that I daily....sometimes...moment by moment....invite Jesus to rule and lead my life. The presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer provides for us the spiritual and moral compass that we operate from, but it's even more than just's that understanding of compete surrender to Jesus Christ as Lord of our life.
There is a simple song written by Michael Frye titled, "Be the Center"

Jesus be the center, Be my source be my light Jesus

Jesus be the center, Be my song Jesus

Be the fire in my heart, Be the wind in my sails

Be the reason that I live, Jesus, Jesus.

Jesus be my vision, Be my help, Be my guide Jesus

© 1999 Vineyard Songs
That is a statement of inviting Jesus to be the centre of everything in a person's life.....maybe your life. Take that step today and allow Jesus to BE the centre of everything for you.
This summer as you enjoy the sunny days and loads of activities to participate in.....keep Jesus at the centre of your life....your everything.
Pastor Brian

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