It's summer and with the great weather and activities on a daily basis...it's easy to lose focus as a follower of Jesus Christ. The title for this entree is from the new version of "The Karate Kid". My daughter and I were watching it a few weeks ago and the phrase caught my attention...your focus needs more focus. If you are anything like me, I start off with my focus very narrow....there is a specific target that I'm aiming for....a project to get done, an task to complete, a training program to complete, a relationship to develop...and before too long...my focus has become much broader. My focus get blurred by the activities, the distractions the things along the way that slide in on my focus.
In my relationship with Jesus, it is also possible for me to lose focus....to get distracted. I'm very familiar with the phrase from an old song....prone to wander, Lord I feel it! My focus has been receiving more attention lately as I'm looking at what is taking my time away for my desire to seek God daily, to be in His presence with a teachable attitude.
As the month of August slides past, I am determined, and surrendered to allow Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit to sharpen my focus....to make decisions that will build and develop my walk with God, and to in effect...focus my focus.
I hope you are able to do the same.
Attend a place where Bible believing worshippers meet this Sunday,
Pastor Brian
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