I hear it all the time...."Where is the best place for .....coffee? .....ice cream? .....a massage? ....resources on deepening my spiritual walk while I'm on vacation?...somewhere I can go for peace and quiet and read my Bible?" Yes that's right! Intentional spiritual growth during the summer is possible, profitable, and plausible!
I just had to use the alliteration aspect of communication. With all the time that we have at our disposal now that we don't have to shovel snow or scrape windows or put on winter coats, there can be intentional focus on our nurturing and cultivation of our spiritual health. We have some flowers in our yard that I take responsibility for during the summer.....in the winter they are on their own...but the summer...I water them as necessary....I fertilize as required and remove the weeds that think they can get what I give the plants. As I take care of them I notice something......they flourish! They go crazy on miracle grow! I have often thought how awesome it would be to have spiritual miracle grow! I know...it sounds too good to be true...but it is available and possible. Let me tell you two things that will assist in your miracle spiritual growth. They are not new but they are tried, tested and true.
#1 - Quiet time and journaling - Call it what you want but it's scheduled time to quiet before God and take notes on what you are learning and what he is saying to you. All you need is an alarm clock....a pen, a journal and a place. So....get up, get reading, get writing, get growing.
#2 - Listening Prayer - If you are studying and learning, it makes sense to speak and listen to the One who loves you more than you love yourself. When you listen as you pray, just invite the Holy Spirit to be first in your life and listen to his promptings.
The Best of Summer is still available to each of us as we intentionally use our days to grow and deepen spiritually.
Blessings friends,
Pastor Brian
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