Thursday, February 22, 2007

Annual Meeting to Report on the Ministry Year of 2006

McDermot’s Annual Meeting will take place this Sunday immediately after our worship service. Everyone at church will head down to the gym for a great lunch meal where we share all that we brought from home, and then we’ll discuss the ministry reports and the budget for 2007. Every member is encouraged to be present and to participate in the meeting to the best of their of ability. It is a great time of looking over the plans for this year and how we are going to trust God to provide the income to accomplish the plans he has for us.
If you have not read the reports yet, be sure to take the time to do this, it is a time where you can thank God for the workers he has within our church and pray for the future as you see the desire of each leader to see their area succeed in God’s expansion of His kingdom.
See you at the Annual Meeting.
Pastor Brian

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