Thursday, February 22, 2007

Lord Teach us to Pray—Part Two.

This Sunday, February 25th, we will continue to look at Luke 11 where Jesus tells his listeners a story that gives more insight to prayer. Two things are easy to highlight….perseverance and expectation. To keep on praying, even when you don’t receive what you consider a clear answer is part of learning how to pray. One wonders why it took all night for Jesus to pray to the Father before his crucifixion, but we can only imagine all that needed to be communicated before that day that changed history as we know it.
All week, I’ve been sick with the flu and a cold symptoms….as a result, I've had lots of time to pray and seek God with a new intensity. I’ve prayed lots of things that I haven’t received answers for yet, but I’ve also had the time to hear from God and his daily will for my life. So in this week of seemingly not getting anything done….from a job point of view...from a personal has been great to have the time to pray more intensely and regularly than I've had for some time. Besides, there is absolutely nothing to watch on t.v. during the day.
Come on Sunday with expectations of hearing and talking to God in a fresh way.
Praying you’ll be there to worship with our Loving Community of Committed followers of Jesus Christ.
In His Grace,
Pastor Brian

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