Thursday, February 22, 2007

Lord Teach Us to Pray!

This past Sunday we looked at some simple words of instruction that came from Jesus in response to a statement of inquiry….Lord teach us to pray. It wasn’t a demand...I don’t think any of his disciples would demand something from Jesus….but ask, inquire, simply state your desire and as always we see Jesus responding with a quick and precise statement.
He said, this is how you should pray. So grandiose pattern or 15 points of positive prayer..just clear, simply instruction that each of us can understand all these years later.
We looked at the relationship that Jesus establishes in his description of prayer. Prayer is a relationship with Father and child. Jesus modeled that relationship throughout his life, death and resurrection here on earth. So our foundation for prayer is in the relationship that Jesus desires for us to have with the Father.
Each day we have many minutes in which to choose what we will do with our time. I encouraged everyone at our worship service to increase their time in prayer this week as they sought to learn from God how to pray. Praying is something that a person must do and focus on improving their attitude and habit of prayer. A student of prayer will continue to research the examples of scripture and apply those examples to their own prayer life. Again the simple request may be the best place to start….Lord teach us to pray. Enjoy your week of prayer.
Pastor Brian

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