Thursday, May 03, 2007

God's Ministry of Rest

Since my operation just over a week ago, I've discovered once again that I find it difficult to actually rest. I know the doctors have told me to take it very easy, but that is my biggest take it easy. Although our theme at McDermot Church is "Walking with God", I'm finding that the "walking" part is most difficult. My tendency is to, I guess this recovery time is a time for God to impress once again in my life that he desires each of us to "walk humbly with Him", each day.
In the book of Exodus, Moses set off with 5 Million Jews who would eventually wander around the desert for 40 years. Realizing the enormity of the task, Moses had two requests of God: "Who is going with me? and "Let me know you ways"(see Exodus 33:12-13). Those may be the two most important issues in every Christian's journey. "The Lord replied, 'My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."(Exodus 33:14)
According to Neil Anderson in his devotional book, The Daily Discipler, "Guiding 5 million complaining people across a barren desert fro 40 years is not anybody's idea of rest. But the only way to evaluate the quality of a rest is to determine how one feels at the end. It was said fo Moses 40 years later, when he looked into the Promised Land: "Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone." (Deut. 34:7). God had given Moses rest!"
This is the part that struck me as I was lying in the hospitall bed recovering from surgery...." Biblical rest is neither a cessation of labor nor the abdication of responsibility. Biblical rest is living God's way by faith empowered by His presence. The alternative is to live our way in our own strength, which leads to burnout."
Whatever you are doing today, I encourage you to enter the rest Jesus promised to each one who follows him. Jesus is inviting us to come into His presence and learn from Him. We will find rest for our souls because His ways are not hard and His burden is light. (see Matthew 11:29-30).
I'm rediscovering how to walk slowly, deliberately wtih God and I'm finding that daily He is instructing and guiding me with His presence and counsel. Take time today to slow down your pace to experience a "walk with God."
Pastor Brian recovering at home.

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