Thursday, May 03, 2007

Being the Body

This Sunday we will celebrate once again the Lord's Supper. Communion is what we call it and it provides us with an opportunity to slow down, remember the sacrifice of Jesus and the Life He provides in an intimate relationship with Him.
Communiion also assists us to realize that our relationship with Jesus also calls us, invites us to experience true relationship with other people. Communion can easily be seen as Common Union. Union with God the Father through Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and Union with others who have the life of Jesus in them.
These past few weeks I've witnessed a communion as people have used their gifts and talents and abilities to serve within our church body. Dr. Foerster delivered the truth of God's word last Sunday, Ralph Mueller officiated and led at Edie Mourre's funeral celebration on Tuesday, and many, many people jumped in to make sure that everything was taken care of so that the grieving family and guests could experience the Love and Comfort of of God without distractions.
I was able to attend and participate is a very small way at Edie's funeral and was once again deeply encouraged by our church family. We are truly becoming a Loving Community of Committed followers of Jesus Christ. I could see it in the eyes of our people. Concerned and compassionate, gentle and encouraging, strong and supporting. To see the Body of Christ, the local Church, loving God and loving others, helped me see once again the difference this Common Union with God is making in our lives.
Great job church! May we become known more and more as a Church that loves God and loves others.
Pastor Brian

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