Friday, May 11, 2007

So....What Are You Reading?

My friends have asked me this question many times in the past few weeks. Apparently, they think I have all this extra time to read since my surgery. So, I've decided to let you know what I'm reading.
The 1st book that I've been reading is The Bible. Now that might sound a bit religious, but I've found that it is my main source of encouragement, direction, and instruction each day. I also find that when I sit down to read the Bible, I find my spiirt desiring to connect with the author in a fresh way each time. To know that God wanted these words written means that they are important to Him and therefore, they need to be read and understood by me.
The 2nd book that I've been reading is titled, The Fisherman, which is a novel written by Larry Huntsperger. Our church librarian gave me this book as I've stated in the past how I seem to identify with Peter through his antics and behaviour. This book is written as if you were sitting down across the table with Peter and he is telling you his life story. How he first met Jesus and all the things he learned along the way. This is a novel, which means Larry used his "sanctified imagination" to write it. This book is amazing. It is easy to read, has incredible insights into familiar stories that brings a fresh perspective to Jesus that makes him so real and so awesome that I found a new desire to get to know this Jesus, even better.
The 3rd book that I've been reading is one I purchased a few months ago with a desire to read it when I got the chance. I've gotten the chance and have begun to read, slowly, "The Great Omission" by Dallas Willard. He is the author of "The Divine Conspiracy" as well. I find this book one that is in harmony with my heart. The subtitle is "Reclaiming Jesus's Essential Teachings on Discipleship". So far, I'm only on page 33, each sentence and each page gives me lots to think about. I believe that although I'm only beginning chapter 5, the thoughts from scripture have already changed the way I am thinking about ministry and purpose. Good book so far...I'm recommend it when I'm completely finished reading it.
The 4th book...this might be why I've not finished the 2nd or 3rd yet is written by Neil T. Anderson and it's more like a daily devotional. The title is "The Daily Discipler" which is a book that is designed to be "daily readings that will give you a solid foundation in the christian faith." I have found his writings easy to read and again, transforming as he communicates the great relationship we can have with Jesus each day.
So there you have it...Oh...and a NASCAR mag that one of my friends brought me when I was in the hospital. You've got to have some reading just for fun.
The time I've spent in reading is definitely an investment in my spiritual life. I encourage you to go and look on your shelf and find that book that you've set aside to read some day. Make today that some day and discover what the pages have for you as God directs you to his purpose and will.
Or..find one of the ones I've listed and begin reading. "The Great Omission" is the most expensive with "The Daily Discipler" close behind. Regardless of the cost, it's worth the investment.
I look forward to hearing what you are reading! Open a page and begin an adventure!
In His Care,
Pastor Brian

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