Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Step Out Of The Traffic...!

Psalm 46: 10 as written by Eugene Peterson in The Message Paraphrase of the Bible reads, "Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything." What a great way of understanding..."Be still, and know that I am God."

Those who camp during the summer often speak about how great it is compared to city life. How enjoyable being in the outdoors is and how refreshing it is to their soul. This weekend, as a church, we are stepping out of the traffic with an intense desire to be still and know that He is God.

That may be more challenging than it sounds because our worship celebration will include several elements and all of them can be viewed as a highlight. A celebration of the Lord's supper, 5 people are going to give their testimonies and will be baptized later down at the lake, lunch and games for children and adults, including some water sports, and then a lazy drive home.

All of these items will be great as we continue to build the relationships within our church family, but the one relationship we want to emphasize is with God Himself.
Communion is a visual reminder of our connection with God through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord. Baptism also emphasizes this point as people publicly declare what God has done on the inside and how they want this change to show on the outside.

Standing in traffic the other day, I noticed several things. The sounds of vehicles rushing by kept me focused on my personal safety. The heat and fumes made me aware that this location must be temporary or it will begin to affect my health. I was also very aware that I could not hear my daughter as she tried to tell me something important. It was just too noisy.

Sometimes this scene compares to our spiritual lives! Caught in the traffic of a busy life, we hear everything but God. We're so focused on safety and preservation that we're not in touch with the Holy Spirit and His recreation.

This weekend as we "step out of the traffic", I urge you to do the same. Take time to read your Bible, take a few notes, sit back in a chair and see if you can pick out your favourite animal in the clouds.
Whatever you do, somehow, somewhere ensure that you listen to God fulfilling this direction from the still and know - recognize and understand - that I am God."
Stepping out of traffic at Camp Nutimik,
Pastor Brian

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