Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The "Means" to Live!

We've just taken two Sunday Mornings to look a little at "Living Generously" and one of the main thoughts that I think we need to consider deeply is what we do with our income. Most of us have a good idea of what amount of money comes into our homes each month....but, many people are not as aware of where they spend their income. We have all hard the phrase "living within your means!" I think that there are actually three ways that we choose to live according to our means.

The first is Living Within Our Means.
Basically what you earn you use to live. No debt, not any real savings…you spend what you earn. Interestingly enough…when you receive a raise…this portion usually goes up..you earn more so you spend more.

The second method is Living Above Our Means.

You spend more than you earn. This is typically the vast majority of the western world. Our governments tend to do it, people tend to do it…thus you have a world filled with people in debt. Owing someone something.

The third method is Living Below Your Means.

You could live spending more because you have it to spend, but you have decided that a certain level is enough for your needs and have decided to live there and the extra that you receive on a monthly basis grows each time you receive a raise. So there is a portion that is indeed excess.
I believe that followers of Jesus Christ who understand Generous Living, will choose to live below their means so that they will have much more money to give away…to give to Kingdom items…to support those who have much less…to provide homes and food and education for people that have much less.

I also think that this type of living and thinking starts with making Jesus Lord of your life....your finances included.

Consider your "means" today and see if Jesus would want you to begin to live differently.


Pastor Brian

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