Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Suggested Pattern!

When it comes to Generous Living from a Biblical perspective there are many suggestions as to how to give and how to use the income that God gives to us. One pastor, Andy Stanley, has suggested to his church the following guide for the use of income. Simply put...Give...Save...Live off the rest. There is an order in these words for a reason....if you don't give first and save second...the living will eat up the other two before you have a chance to put them where they need to Give, Save, then Live off the rest. He suggests that we use the Give 10% to the church or if you are not a follower of Jesus Christ, to charity, Save 10% and then live off the remaining 80%.
With the debt load most North Americans carry...this is a great idea. What can take place after some time using this method...especially combined with living below your means....your financial resources available for you grow and you are in a position financially to respond to the promptings of God. This also enables you to plan on how to give effectively to organizations ahead of time and not be reactive givers but proactive givers. These organizations are worthy of being supported because they are capable of going and doing what you would love to do if there was time available or you were qualified to go and do what they are doing.
Don't give up on this change in your life! The desire to be a Generous Giver enables you to position yourself to be experience Generous Living.
This is a life journey....take a step toward Generous Living today.
Pastor Brian

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