Friday, October 27, 2006

Time Change & Franklin Graham

I’ve always wanted to Sleep In on Sunday!
Now you can. This Sunday sleep in an extra hour, or get up at the regular time and have a time of Bible reading and prayer before you come to church. It’s time (Sunday at 2am) to move the hands on your clock back one hour.
It’s amazing how much people look forward to this one day where they actually get 25 hours in the day. Maybe it’s a sign that we are moving through life too fast. We are really busy but not really going anywhere or doing that much for eternity. May I suggest that those of you reading this blog today do two things: 1 – let me know that you are reading this blog because I’m convinced that if a blog is put on the internet and no one reads doesn’t make a sound when it falls…or something like that. And Secondly, play your Sunday, October 29 so that you maximize that hour by doing nothing. I mean nothing. Don’t write letters, don’t phone people, don’t rake the leaves, don’t even tidy up. Take that one hour and find a way to spend it with God. Take a prayer walk and tell God how great he is at art. Tell Him how you think that His blending of all the fall colours is amazing and tell Him how you especially like the fact that He takes the same scene and is always changing it for your appreciation. You might want to ask for forgiveness if you haven’t noticed how much effort he uses in the details. Like where the wind blows so that the leaves fill in a corner of a sidewalk or the rise to the curb. How the geese flying overhead are all in a row making the best use of small group thinking to get them to all arrive at their goal. Or how the air just smells different now.
However you do it…take the one hour and invest it in a walk with God. Really it’s just a continuation of your daily life but on have that one extra hour to spend. I think He’d appreciate that extra time with you.

Life After Franklin!
After all the activities last week end…my hope is that lives do not get back to normal. Normal is what we are used to living….but as we planned for Franklin Graham to come to the MTS Centre, life was anything but normal.
Operation Andrew started it all off as we listed people who matter to God and matter to us. And then there were the Prayer events around the city prior to the weekend, and even events around our city and the MTS Centre.
Then the bands showed up and the lady with the puppets and a few people…and the festival began.
I’ve spoken with many people after the event and find varied responses. Some are doubtful that any of the people who went up made any kind of commitment and others think that everyone who was on the floor was a first time seeker. Somewhere between those two ditches is likely the truth. From my viewpoint there were some who went forward because it seemed like the thing to do while others were there doing business with God. The people who went forward because they sensed God speaking to them through Franklin are the ones who’s lives are going to be different. You cannot invite the God of the Universe into your life and stay the same.
So, keep praying and why not try inviting some of your friends to church. We may not have the lights and loud music, but we do have people who pray and love and have a great desire for others to connect with God too. If there were even two people who committed their lives to God during the course of the weekend(personally I think there were more than 2) then I think it was worth it. Two lives changed for eternity! Wow! We do have a great God.
I’ll see you with a new Operation Andrew Card in your hand on Sunday.
God Bless.
Pastor Brian

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