Tuesday, February 06, 2007

College and Career C2

Life is hard enough with the stress of classes, work, and all the "stuff" that comes along everyday. Meeting new Christian friends, growing closer to God, and walking in God's purpose for your life...that's what C2 is all about!

C2 is a group for anyone 18 to 30 whether you are single or married, student or young professional. You matter to us and are welcome to attend.

Wow, we had a great lunch last Sunday with about 14 of the College and Career from our church.
If you weren’t able to be there, let me fill you in on the plan.
First—we plan to have a lunch where everyone can come and eat and talk about things in life, once a Month. The Last Sunday of the month will be designated C& C Sunday and we’ll enjoy a meal together and begin to develop and plan the direction of our group.
I, Pastor Brian, will be the contact and person who’ll be setting this up so I encourage you to tell your friends that there is such a thing as a free lunch and bring them along.
In February, our lunch will be combined with the Annual General Business Meeting of the Membership at McDermot, but that’s O.K., come and enjoy the food and if you can, stay for the meeting. If not, come and eat and then go and get back to the books.
We have a great group and are looking for some ideas for a name. Something better than what we have. If you think of one or have heard of an awesome one somewhere else in the world that would fit our group, let me know. We consider them all and choose one.
For now….keep in touch. My email is easy to remember and I’d love to hear from you….is anyone reading this????
Look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday,
Pastor Brian

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