Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Super Bowl and Ministry!

Many watched the Super Bowl on Sunday evening. Millions I suppose. Many watching two teams battle it out on the field for football supremacy in the U.S., others watching to see the newest and most innovative commercials that companies paid millions for a few seconds of advertising.
Each year as I watch the game, I’m struck with the fact that it is never one person that wins the game….it is a team. I know that Manning received the MVP award, but really that reward is given to a person who makes a big difference but would be useless without his team. Take anyone person on the field...they are only as strong as the rest of their team. The referee relies on his teammates to call a fair game. He also relies on the cameras operator to catch all the different angles so if there is a challenge to his call on the field, there are many other recorded views to either correct of verify his call.
As viewers we are totally relying on the network to broadcast the signal so that we can watch and we have faith in our electronic viewing device that the manufacturer did a good job so that it won’t stop during the game. If we look around in life...almost everything is a team effort.
In the Ministry, this is so obvious but so often is the target of Satan's strongest attack. Jesus prayed that the church involved in expanding the kingdom of God would be one as he was one with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Moving in unity and oneness is who God is...and He prayed that the church would be the same. In history, we haven’t done very well fulfilling that prayer. Splits and fights and differences seem to highlight the church instead of oneness and a picture of the perfect team. A perfect team is one that does not have all the strongest or talented players on it. The two teams that faced each other on Sunday have strong players in all positions but there were likely stronger players for some of the positions that were on other teams that didn’t make the big game. A perfect team is one where everyone uses their abilities to the best of their ability and work together to achieve a common goal.
The goal of the teams on Sunday was to win a football game. The goal of the church is to be so filled with the person of Jesus Christ that we win the war against disunity by being the body actively involved in the expansion of the Kingdom of God. We will move like one person with Jesus directing and equipping the different parts to accomplish the will of the Father.
The teams on Sunday demonstrated how exciting games can be when two teams work hard at working as one unit to achieve the goal. I would say that both teams won on Sunday. They didn’t score the same number of points but they both displayed the importance of using their individual talent to contribute to the over mission of the franchise.
In your life today as you read this entry, please allow me to ask you a few is your team doing? Your ministry team? Your church? Your small group? Your bible study? Your accountability group? Is it functioning as a team working together for one common goal? How are you contributing to the overall outcome of the ministry? Are you fully devoted or fully divided in your commitment?
My prayer for you today would be to a part of a Super Ministry. A part of the perfect ministry team using your spiritual gifts and abilities to make a difference in the outcome.
Today as you walk with God, remember what he requires of you.
Pastor Brian

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