Friday, February 17, 2012

It all belongs to God!

That is a foundational statement when it comes to talking about Stewardship in the context of a follower of Jesus Christ. One word that we don't focus on as much any more is the term "Lord." The Greek word is kurioß from the word from kuros (supremacy). The definition is stated as: he to whom a person or thing belongs, about which he has power of deciding; master, lord. When a person takes the step to trust Jesus Christ with their very life and surrender to the truth about their soul condition and accept the provision of forgiveness of sins through Jesus, we commonly refer to that as surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus. Scripture tells us that our lives are not our own (1 Corinthians 6:19 "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?") after we surrender them to Jesus and so everything that we have, our intellect, our gifts, our experiences, our possessions, our money, our time, and other resources are actually now in the hands of Jesus. It is His call as to what we use our resources for in all aspects of life. Too many Christians think that God gets the tithe, the 10%, and we get to do with the other 80% what we want. That's bad theology, bad thinking, and even worse in reality. We are called as followers of Jesus to give to Him our everything as a person and when we do that, He now owns "all that" and we are "stewards" or "managers" of His possessions. Every moment of every day, we are managers of what God owns. Therefore, it is extremely important that we understand this truth about ownership and how that plays out in our stewardship of God's property. Whatever resources God gives to us, we are responsible for because we are to manage them or be stewards of them. Well before I"m accused of going on too long, I simply want to say, take some time today to think about all that you have and how you use it and if how you use it is a good use of Gods stuff?
It's His! How are you using it?
Get into God's Word....Live it.
Blessings, Pastor Brian

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